The way to Grow Tomatoes in a Garden
Tomatoes (Lycopersicon lycopersicum) grow best in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 2 through 10. This heat-loving plant is actually a fruit, but is used as a vegetable. The best-tasting tomatoes ripen on the vine. When successfully grown from the backyard, this plant bears strawberries within a period of a few months.
Pick an increasing location from the sunniest, hottest part of the yard. The best locations are on the south or west sides of the house in direct sunlight with regard to this refection of light off the face of the house. Dig the soil up with a scoop to the thickness of 12 inches. Work 3 inches of well-rotted manure or compost to the top 6 inches of the ground. Rake the soil level.
Dig a hole 18 inches across and about 12 inches deep. Eliminate the tomato transplant from the container, and place it in the hole so that half of the stem is underground. The small hairs along the stem will form roots underground. Plant the tomato plants 2 feet apart and tag every variety.
Put tomato cages over the top of their young plants. As the tomato plants grow, lay the branches on the wires of the cage. The cage keeps the fruit off the ground and supports the burden of their heavy branches. Alternatives include tying the branches to your trellis or neighboring fence. Tie the branches loosely with pieces of soft fabric to stop breaking the stems.
Feed tomato plants using fertilizer designed for tomato plants along with a mild plant food such as fish fertilizer. Neither of those fertilizers contains a lot of nitrogen, which stimulates leaf increase but not fruit growth. Apply the fertilizer as the first fruit begins to develop and then again two weeks later choosing the first tomato.
Water the tomato plants twice a week once the rain does not fall. Tomato plants need about 2 inches of water each week. Pour water around the foundation of the tomato plants, maintaining the water off the leaves. Wet leaves invite plant infection such as blight to assault the plant. Maintaining off the water the fruit minimizes splitting of this fruit. Allow the soil to dry out between watering sessions.
Spread a thick layer of organic mulch such as straw around the tomato plants five weeks later transplanting them. Mulching keeps the development of weeds down and reduces the quantity of soil moisture lost through evaporation.